Can We Talk?
The More We Know - Episode Description

Join us for a delightful episode of the Peas and Carrots Podcast, where we kick things off with some light-hearted banter about Minnie Mouse keys and Brian’s new Godzilla collectible. Listen in as we share our excitement for the upcoming Olympics and the return of our Sunday night tradition of watching Disney movies. Kayla humorously recounts her new fitness challenge with burpees, while we also take a moment to reflect on the importance of front porches and the lost art of community engagement.

In another segment, we take you on a heartfelt journey through some of the lessons learned from our grandparents and our favorite memories, including a touching mix-up involving Kayla and my dad’s friends, our dream of having two labs in our bed, and the quirky logic behind bringing home leftovers just to throw them away. We also discuss our newfound obsession with earning rewards through our health plan’s app and share the joy of receiving a case of original sweet tarts from friends. Tune in for a blend of love, laughter, and everyday adventures!

The More We Know - Transcript

0:00:00 – Announcer

We go together like Peas and Carrots. The Peas and Carrots Podcast, sharing life from our piece of the vegetable patch, Brian and Kayla Sanders. 


0:00:11 – Kayla

Welcome to the peas and carrots podcast. I’m Brian and I’m Kayla before we started recording. Okay, yes, I needed to take a drink of water and I was fidgeting. 


0:00:21 – Brian

It’s not that uh-huh. She has her keys that have Minnie Mouse on it sitting on the console here where we record, so would you move them one time? They are so loud. 


0:00:33 – Kayla

Cranky party of one. 


0:00:36 – Brian

Your table’s ready Cranky party of one. I don’t know if it’s Cranky, I just found them to be loud. 


0:00:42 – Kayla

Listen if I put up with Godzilla staring at me while we record. You can deal with keys. 


0:00:49 – Brian

I got a new Godzilla collectible for the studio. 


0:00:53 – Kayla

What’s up in the world of Peas and Carrots? 


0:00:55 – Brian

We got a new Godzilla collectible for the studio. That’s what’s up. 


0:00:58 – Kayla

Yay, Suko is his name. 


0:01:01 – Brian

He’s the little ape from the new movie. 


0:01:03 – Kayla

I’m not sure if I’m comforted or bothered that you know this. 


0:01:07 – Brian

Well, his name is right there on the box. See it down there. Oh, that’s. 


0:01:11 – Kayla

Okay, okay, that makes me feel better. 


0:01:14 – Brian

Okay, the countdown. Oh, this is yours. 


0:01:22 – Kayla

The countdown is on. We are less than two weeks from the Olympics. We are nothing. Oh, yes, we are. We are going to cheer, we are going to shout, we are going to celebrate. I love the Olympics. We all know that. 


0:01:38 – Brian

Some of the little outfits bother me. 


0:01:40 – Kayla

Well, you can step over that. You’ve just you got to take pride in your country and well, and all the. I’m just keeping it real. One of my favorite parts is the ceremony at the beginning, where all the countries come in. You fall asleep every time, so why do you care? 


0:01:57 – Brian

You got to watch every nation walk in I love it, and some of these places have two people. 


0:02:03 – Kayla

Okay, and if they’ve worked hard to get to the Olympics, they should be celebrated. So yeah, you’re welcome, it’s coming. 


0:02:12 – Brian

She is smiling from ear to ear. I am Well. We have resumed a Sunday night tradition. What? 


0:02:20 – Kayla

is that. 


0:02:21 – Brian

We’re now watching. Do any of you remember growing up where it was every Sunday night on TV? It was the magical world of Disney and they showed a movie. We’re doing that because we have the Disney Plus app on our TV, so we’ve watched the Lion King, Inside Out, which was fantastic. 


0:02:43 – Kayla

How did we never see that? 


0:02:45 – Brian

We finally watched it, and we want to go see the new little movie Inside Out 2. That would be fun to see. 


0:02:51 – Kayla

I read where it’s Pixar’s highest performing movie, wow, which is pretty good for them. What else have we watched? We said we also want to watch Encanto. We have not seen that one yet. 


0:03:06 – Brian

I don’t know what that’s about. 


0:03:07 – Kayla

I don’t either. I have no idea. 


0:03:09 – Brian

I’ve never seen Beauty and the Beast. I’ve never seen Cinderella. 


0:03:13 – Kayla

You have seen Beauty and the Beast. 


0:03:15 – Brian

I’m like what? I’ve not seen Cinderella. I have not seen Pinocchio. I’ve never seen Dumbo. Okay, we’re fixing it. I’ve never seen any of the classics, the classics. I’ve never watched Peter Pan. Is that a Disney movie? That’s a Disney movie? Uh-huh, there’s a Peter Pan. 


0:03:30 – Kayla

You can fly, you can fly, you can fly. Yeah, okay, we’re going to have to fix this. 


0:03:35 – Brian

Wait a minute. What was that? 


0:03:36 – Kayla

Part of Peter Pan. You had a very deprived childhood. 


0:03:45 – Brian

I’m sorry. Well, I would be read the books, like I’d read the books about Pinocchio and Peter Pan. I never have seen them. 


0:03:48 – Kayla

Well, we’re going to have to work on that. 


0:03:49 – Brian

Because books are better. 


0:03:51 – Kayla

I’ve learned how to do something new. Well, let me rephrase that I’m learning how to do something new. 


0:03:57 – Brian

I want to go on record that the story and the laughter that I may share here in just a moment, that it will not lead to my premature demise. Okay. 


0:04:09 – Kayla

My trainer has added burpees to my workout routine. 


0:04:14 – Brian

That doesn’t mean you drink a Coke and go. It’s not that. 


0:04:17 – Kayla

Okay, they’re horrible. 


0:04:20 – Brian

Burpees are an exercise. 


0:04:22 – Kayla

Where I kind of have to get into a plank almost and then come back up. 


0:04:29 – Brian

So let me give you an image. It’s almost like she’s in push-up mode. 


0:04:33 – Kayla

Yes, and then I draw my knees up towards myself and jump up, and the first time I tried it my behind was a little too high in the air. 


0:04:43 – Brian

She finds this video that shows her. She says, b, would you watch this video? Watch me and help me do this? And I said well, baby, yeah, y’all, you’re supposed to be flat. She’s a triangle with her hiney sticking up in the air. I said, baby, you got to flatten this out. And then when she gets flat, I can’t get out. I got stuck help. 


So I had to help get her up, but it’s a whole thing. But Thursday at the gym you did seven burpees and I am proud of you and I’m so sore today. But here we are. I did two miles on the bike this morning and then I walked a mile. 


0:05:32 – Kayla

Somebody shared a video with me that said the only good thing about burpees is they take away your desire to live. 


0:05:36 – Brian

We are positive and very encouraging right now. 


0:05:42 – Kayla

I’m encouraged that burpees are not of God. 


0:05:44 – Brian

I saw a video that said when your trainer comes by and you’re trying to be positive and it’s this dog going, I don’t know. Dear Grandma and Grandpa, you were right. 


0:06:02 – Kayla

A few reflections on life Days gone by, one that I have. We need more front porches. We have built our lives around sitting on our back decks. 


0:06:15 – Brian

So we don’t have to deal. 


0:06:16 – Kayla

So we don’t have to see people and we don’t have to engage, and I miss the days where you would sit out on your front porch and neighbors would walk by or just drop by because they knew they could come hang out with you on the porch. 


0:06:30 – Brian

I have vivid memories of my grandpa Sanders. He had a front porch and we’d sit out there and people would just drop by. Also, I would ride with him and if we drove by his friend Ralph Nix’s house and if Ralph was outside we’d stop. Yeah, We’d have coffee. Then we would drive by my Uncle Amos and my Aunt Gladys. Now they weren’t really my aunt and uncle, they were like cousins. 


0:06:55 – Kayla

We all had them yeah. 


0:06:57 – Brian

And then, if they were outside, we’d pull in there, have a cup of coffee, yep, that kind of stuff. That was wonderful, but we don’t do that anymore. 


0:07:06 – Kayla

We don’t. We hide in our backyards, we put up fences, literal fences that give us walls to not have to see each other, and I think it’s a lost art of being able to build community, have time together. Yeah, we grew up in neighborhoods where we were constantly catching up. Now there was this little old man he would, I kid you not, his name was was Buddy, and he would hit golf balls into people’s yards so that he would have to go get the golf ball so he could spy on them and see what was going on, what he was hilarious and everybody knew that’s what he was doing, was he? 


a creeper, or was he? No, he was just he was just doing it to get to come hang out with people and have community, because he was lonely and so he would pretend he was playing golf. 


0:07:59 – Brian

He would be a dateline special on him. 


0:08:00 – Kayla

Well, I imagine he’s probably not alive anymore because he was in his like 70s. Oh, and that was 40 years ago, so you probably yeah. But, anyway, good old buddy. 


0:08:12 – Brian

Oh, early mornings are the best. 


0:08:15 – Kayla

They are. I have just come to realize that my grandparents would get up early. 


0:08:20 – Brian

None of them ever slept in. Yeah, they’d get up early. It’s peaceful. Yeah, it’s restful, it’s quiet. 


0:08:28 – Kayla



0:08:28 – Brian

And it’s a good way, in my opinion, to like. 


0:08:30 – Kayla

There’s something amazing about watching the sun come up. It’s almost a visual to me of god’s new morning mercies. It’s as if you get a clean slate from the day before. Okay, we’ve said this before. Evening plans for us used to begin around seven. Nope, seven thirty. Listen now, people, it’s 5 o’clock and for sure we’re done by 9-ish. So if we’re making plans, let’s plan to meet at 5. Dinner might be 6.30, but we got to be done by 9. 


0:09:06 – Brian

So I’m down Because. 


We can’t do these 11 and 12 o’clock nights anymore. Let me just give you a perfect example About 12 o’clock. Let me just give you a perfect example About 830. Last night. Kay said I’m going to go wash my hair. I said, well, I’m going to go ahead and go up. She goes B. It’s 830. I said, well, it’s closer to nine than it is day. This is who we are. Laugh more. Life is short. I hear my grandpa Sanders laughing. I can hear yeah, I still to this day. I can hear him laughing. I can hear my grandma Sanders laughing I can hear, yeah, I still to this day. 


I can hear him laughing. I can hear my Grandma Sanders laughing. I hear my Grandma Fitch laughing. Yeah, I hear those voices still and they’re laughing because life is short. There’s no sense to take it so serious all the time. Laugh your way through it. 


0:09:51 – Kayla

Yeah, I find myself saying this and you get tickled at me. I can get another use out of that. Whatever that is, I’m repurposing things more than I’m replacing them I’ll wear a pair of jeans two or three days that’s not what I’m referring to oh, now I don’t wear underwear two or three days, I just but jeans. I will what is wrong with you? That’s not the kind of repurposing I’m talking about. 


0:10:16 – Brian

Oh, what are you talking about? 


0:10:16 – Kayla

But I find myself like you know, if a Ziploc bag didn’t have something in it, that moldy or. 


Well, if it wasn’t food or something I can repurpose, that I can reuse it, whereas I probably was that person who threw it away and got a new one. I’m finding creative ways to reuse items in our home that, yeah, I might have previously said, oh, I need to go buy this specific thing, but I get tickled because I realize that was my grandma. She always found purposes for things that others would say, well, that has no use. So, yeah, it’s my new. This is who I am now. 


0:10:59 – Brian

Another lesson from them. My grandparents were right pray and pray some more. I can hear my Grandpa Sanders praying. 


0:11:07 – Kayla



0:11:08 – Brian

I could hear him. We spent a summer with him and Mom and dad. He had a little two bedroom house and so he and I slept in one room there were. He had a queen size bed, I had a twin, and then my parents were in a different room and I could every night I could hear him praying. I’ve never that left such an impact on me. So yeah, they were right. Pray then, and then pray some more. 


0:11:35 – Kayla

I have a confession, yeah, so yeah, they were right. Pray then, and then pray some more. 


0:11:37 – Brian

I have a confession, okay. 


0:11:38 – Kayla

I have a favorite coffee mug. Now she does. 


0:11:41 – Brian

And it has Winnie the Pooh on it. 


0:11:42 – Kayla

It does. I remember my grandma telling me, girl, you need a whole lot less than you think you do. And she’s right. We have cabinets full of things, that we have a cabinet full of coffee mugs. We never use them. But I get this that you know, if we have friends over, they’re going to need a mug too. Why Just give them something disposable? Oh my gosh, no. 


0:12:06 – Brian

Oh, okay. 


0:12:07 – Kayla

But it’s true, we tend to gravitate towards the same things over, and those become our favorites, and so I have a favorite coffee mug I have one mine. 


0:12:20 – Brian

Yours has me the Pooh. Mine says New Orleans it does. Yeah, and this one we both share tell the stories and tell them over and over. 


0:12:31 – Kayla

Every family has favorite stories, everybody says yeah favorite memories and here’s the thing there’s no greater way to honor your people than to keep their memory alive by telling the stories. Dad loved to be a storyteller, and now we get to be the ones that tell stories about him, but he loved nothing more than having a room full of people where he could have a grand old time. He could share stories from times past and share memories, and so that’s something we cherish. 


0:13:09 – Brian

Speaking of stories. We have a few, we have a few and we just segmented out of talking about dad and I want to tell a quick story to honor you. We’d been married maybe three or four years and y’all, my dad, loved Kayla. He never had a daughter. I’m an only child. He loved you and I loved him and we were meeting some friends somewhere I mean they had friends. We were going out to eat or something. As they walked up, my dad said y’all, this is my daughter and her husband. 


0:13:47 – Kayla

I said, Daddy, All the color drained from your face from your face, Daddy. 


0:14:00 – Brian

oh, I’m sorry, this is my son and his wife Kayla. 


0:14:02 – Kayla

I have never he adored you. I have never forgotten that or forgiven him. So, yeah, okay. So we were sitting there the other night and we were thinking about the future, so we started talking about. We have a dream. We’ve shared some of this. We may have even shared this part. 


0:14:16 – Brian

I cannot believe this. 


0:14:17 – Kayla

We want to have two labs. 


0:14:19 – Brian

A chocolate and a black lab. 


0:14:21 – Kayla

Uh-huh, and that’s a done deal. We’re going to have two labs and we were thinking about Sprocket. 


0:14:28 – Brian

Our plan is one is for her and one is for me. I got news for you all they’re both going to be hers, but go ahead. 


0:14:33 – Kayla

No, okay. We’ll share, we’ll share we were talking about the reality that Sprocket used to sleep in our bed. He was 55 pounds, but he slept at the foot of the bed and you made the declaration the other night. You said listen, let’s just go ahead and get this straight. These two labs are not fitting in the bed with us. 


0:14:53 – Brian

To which. Miss Sanders replied to me we’ll just get a king bed. And I looked at you. You have this planned out, don’t you? Problem solved, baby. They’re like 85 pounds each. 


0:15:10 – Kayla

Well, we’ll have half the bed and they’ll have half the bed. No, I’m Baby, baby. 


0:15:14 – Brian

Oh, stay tuned, y’all so this is more of a confession. More of a confession. As you know, we go to the gym and that kind of stuff. We’ve already talked about that, but we totally counted. Going to grocery shopping of the day is walking a mile. 


0:15:33 – Kayla

We’re adding walking to our daily routine, and we’re both supposed to walk at least one mile after dinner. Well, we had finished dinner and then we decided you know what, we should really hit the grocery store tonight. So what did we decide? 


0:15:47 – Brian

Well, that’s going to be our walk for the day, right? 


0:15:50 – Kayla

Yes, it was. 


0:15:51 – Brian

A few weeks back we went out to dinner with our friends Shane and Christy, and at that dinner, somehow or another, we got off on the topic of like candy. 


0:16:00 – Kayla



0:16:01 – Brian

And I mentioned how I can’t find the original sweet tarts anymore. Okay, I mean, I look for them, but I can’t find them. I mean-. 


0:16:10 – Kayla

It’s all this gummy candy. 


0:16:11 – Brian

Yeah, I really shouldn’t eat them, but I love a good sweet. I love a good Sweet Tart. 


0:16:17 – Kayla

But you like the OG. 


0:16:18 – Brian

I like. I like the OG, the original. That’s what that means. Right, the OG? Or does that mean original again? I don’t know what it means anyway. Well, growing up I would get sweet tarts and I’d put them in water and I’d make myself a flavored drink. Well, Shane and Christy never heard that before. They thought that was the greatest thing ever. Well, this past week at our house we get this mystery Amazon package. We did. It’s a rather large Amazon package, uh-huh, and it is a note from Shane and Christy they sent me not a box of sweet tarts, a case Y’all. This is a case of original sweet. I will have sweet tarts until y’all will serve them at my funeral. Oh, there are that many sweet tarts in. And their notes said you were so excited. Their notes said you will have sweet tart flavored water for the rest of your life. 


0:17:15 – Kayla



0:17:16 – Brian

That was a great gift. 


0:17:18 – Kayla

It made your week. It was great. A great gift. It made your week it was great. It was awesome. Very, very sweet, no pun intended. So we went to dinner the other night and I couldn’t eat half of my entree. 


0:17:30 – Brian

Went to the Mexican place. 


0:17:31 – Kayla

It was so much food and I was trying to be good and eat healthy, so I got this chicken dish that had zucchini and squash and they loaded me down. So this is where I’m just weird. I asked for a to-go box because I did not want the waiter to judge me for wasting food. 


0:17:48 – Brian

But what’d you do when you got home? 


0:17:50 – Kayla

But when I got home I threw it away and you said, wait, what just happened? And I said, well, I didn’t want him to know that I was going to waste it. Why am? 


0:18:01 – Brian

I the way I am. No, this is who I married. I love you, but baby. 


0:18:06 – Kayla

The logic in that was so broken. 


0:18:09 – Brian

You’ve got to go to a therapist about that. That’s just crazy. 


0:18:11 – Kayla

Well, there’s more important things first, but yeah, okay. 


0:18:14 – Brian

Wait a minute, am I one of those more important? 


0:18:17 – Kayla

things no, we good. 


0:18:23 – Brian

We discovered something this week. We have a health plan at where we work and it comes with an app and that health plan gives you free money for doing certain things walking so far a day and I’ve got like $50 built up, you’ve got. 


0:18:37 – Kayla

If you let them track your sleep, if you will take a health survey, Do your. Get an annual physical, get your flu shot. They will literally give us money that can then be converted to a digital visa gift card. 


0:18:52 – Brian

We’re sitting there and I’m watching TV and she says B, go on your health care app. I said why you can get $15 for answering that survey. It took three minutes and they asked me a lot more questions. Oh well, it took like 15 for me. 


0:19:07 – Kayla

Seriously, yeah, wow, you had to work hard for years. 


0:19:10 – Brian

So let me just say so now. Ms. Sanders is obsessed with getting, because she’s converting. Listen, if you’re going to give me money for, and they put it on like a Visa gift card that you can use anywhere. 


0:19:20 – Kayla

Yeah, I transferred it to my Amazon account. 


0:19:23 – Brian

Have you spent any of it yet? No, okay. 


0:19:26 – Kayla

So heads up. If you have a health plan, you might want to check and see if there’s an app and it could be that you could earn some rewards. 


0:19:36 – Brian

Ours is called United United. Yeah, it’s called Care Cash. 


0:19:40 – Kayla

It fascinates me that apparently I’m willing to take care of my health as long as I’m being rewarded for it. So here we are Again. Why am I the way that I am? 


0:19:51 – Brian

You are beautiful. 


0:19:52 – Kayla

So I have one more dad story. 


0:19:54 – Brian



0:19:55 – Kayla

And I actually just shared this with someone the other day because they were talking about going fishing. We had not been married long and I can still see the old Dodge truck that we were riding in. It was a one-seater, it was a bench seat. Dad was driving, I was squished up next to him, mom was sitting next to me. I don’t know why we got in the car like this and then you were on the other side, at the other door. Well, dad had gone and picked up crickets and they were in two. 


0:20:27 – Brian

We were doing brim fishing. 


0:20:28 – Kayla

Bait baskets, but they were in the floorboard of the truck. Well, somehow one of those got tipped sideways. 


0:20:39 – Brian

And I’m saying we had 500 crickets. 


0:20:40 – Kayla

There were, yes, there were 250 crickets in each bait bucket. 


0:20:45 – Brian

One of those turned over and 250. 


0:20:47 – Kayla

Crickets start going everywhere. Well, dad pulls over. And he jokes that I was climbing over him. You did, you climbed over him to get out of that truck and he says that to the end of days there was an imprint of my foot in his back where I was trying to get out of that truck Because you were not going to let them. They were crawling everywhere and I got freaked out. 


0:21:12 – Brian

So the best thing to do is sit there and let them crawl on you so that you can capture them again. Put it back in the bag. 


0:21:23 – Kayla

No, no, you weren’t gonna do that worry. But yeah, dad said I got a permanent footprint. He said you’re a size eight aren’t you? 


0:21:26 – Brian

so, hey, thanks for listening to this week’s episode, thanks for joining us, and we’d like to give you a coffee mug, a pen we’re basically your stationary store. 


0:21:36 – Kayla

Yeah, a notepad, notepad. 


0:21:38 – Brian

Notepad Some stickers and some stickers no. 


0:21:40 – Kayla

Cute little stickers. Cute little stickers they are, so yeah. 


0:21:43 – Brian

All you have to do is go to our website. 


0:21:46 – Kayla When you go there, please click the trivia button. When you do that, you will see that there is a question, and this week’s question. 


0:21:56 – Brian

What one lesson do you carry from your grandparents or some other wise mentor? What one lesson do you carry from your grandparents or some other wise mentor? Just go to our website and you click on. 


0:22:11 – Kayla

That trivia button. And answer that question Answer that question and then we would love to send you and I mean honestly, we love hearing from you. We have had some amazing connections that just we love hearing from you. So, yeah, share away. You can search the Peas and Carrots podcast wherever you get your podcasts, or visit our website And when you do, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast. 


0:22:38 – Brian

You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Just search for the Peas and Carrots Podcast. I’m going to go buy some crickets this weekend. 


0:22:47 – Announcer

For more about the Peas and Carrots Podcast and to reach out to Brian and Kayla, visit Life’s not perfect. That’s why God gave us friends like Melody and Candi. Check out, or search Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises wherever you listen to podcasts.