Season 3, Episode 14: In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found

Can We Talk?
In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found - Episode Description
As Adam and Tricia return to our space of hope and healing, they unfurl the layers of their chronic illness journey, revealing how a steadfast faith has anchored them through the stormiest seas. They remind us that amidst the uncertainty, ‘tiny mercies’—those seemingly insignificant acts of kindness—become the lighthouse guiding us to shore. Their story is a testament to the power of community, where the collective embrace of friends and strangers alike becomes the embodiment of God’s love, especially poignant as they recount the heartwarming support received during the festive season.
This episode is not just about the struggles but also about finding that silver lining in the cloudiest skies. We navigate the emotional terrain of pain and its many facets, considering how our experiences can forge a deeper empathy and a robust theology of suffering. With Adam and Tricia’s insights, we peel back the layers of coping with chronic pain, the transformative nature of laughter, and the importance of allowing brokenness to breathe within our communities. There’s a sacred space in acknowledging that sometimes, we may not emerge from the valley—but even there, God’s omnipresence offers a profound sense of comfort.
Closing this chapter of our conversation, we reflect on the ways suffering shapes our faith and character, pondering the mysterious workings of ‘bitter providence.’ Through the Psalms, particularly Psalm 138, we find a wellspring of solace, and in sharing our ‘tiny mercies,’ we knit together a tapestry of grace that testifies to the enduring hope found in God’s promises. As you listen, we invite you to hold close the stories shared and consider the mercies in your own life, remembering that each step, no matter how small, is part of a divine dance orchestrated with love and intention.
In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found - Transcript

0:00:00 – Announcer

We go together like Peas and Carrots. The Peas and Carrots Podcast, sharing life from our piece of the vegetable patch, Brian and Kayla Sanders. 


0:00:11 – Brian

Welcome to the Peas and Carrots Podcast. Hello, I’m Brian, I’m Kayla, good to have you along this week. Welcome to episode 2. 


0:00:22 – Kayla

We’ll be talking again with Adam and Trisha. Yeah, this is part two of our conversation with the Reads. They have shared with all of us how they navigate a chronic illness and how they glorify Christ and give all of us hope in what they share in that. So we will get to that in just a minute. We’re going to keep our life updates really short this week because this is a powerful segment and the spotlight is on Adam and Trisha, so we don’t want to say a whole lot. We are in week two fundraising, fundraising. 


0:00:58 – Brian

I got a new Lincoln book. Uh-huh, why did your facial expression change? 


0:01:04 – Kayla

Is anybody surprised by that? I just wanted to share that. 


0:01:07 – Brian

There are people out there who are very excited about that. 


0:01:11 – Kayla

Okay, I’ve had lots of coffee over the last few days, so I’m trying not to talk super fast because I’m highly caffeinated and kind of my ears are buzzing a little bit. 


0:01:26 – Brian

When we first got married, for the first maybe five or ten years of our marriage. Like if you ate chocolate, I’m having really trouble stuttering. If you ate chocolate, after like two or three, you’d be up till like midnight. 


0:01:38 – Kayla

Oh yeah, I was party animal, yeah, so those days are behind you Not anymore. I can’t do coffee after like 2 pm, so yeah, but anyway, we will get back to our life updates, but, as we said, today’s focus. We hope that you enjoy part two of our conversation with Adam and Trisha. 


0:01:59 – Brian

I want to ask Trisha this how have you seen the grace of God in the last 13 years with all these diagnoses? 


0:02:08 – Trisha

You know, I think one thing that we learned early on I think even in our college years, was that we were encouraged just to make a works of God when you see God working. Just as the Israelites built the altars and the stones to remember what God had done, we’re called to remember what God has done for us. So actually even just last night we were talking with our kids and just remembering all the things that God has done in the past. So when things seem hard and there’s like I don’t know how this is going to turn out, we remember and we think back, and so there were just a lot of things. There was a reminder last night that one of the kiddos was reminding things that we didn’t even remember. So there was an era of our life just after a really hard surgery and someone would leave a gift card in our mailbox every Sunday night for a while. 


And we would just get a text and they would say hey, go check your mailbox. 


0:03:03 – Adam

We didn’t know who it was from, like a third party would say, hey, go check your mailbox. 


0:03:05 – Trisha

We didn’t know who it was from. We didn’t like a third party would say, hey, go check your mailbox, something’s in there. So that was something that we made sure as a family, just remembering. Okay, like this was God provided again and he has been faithful. One time we came home and someone actually was right before Christmas. 


0:03:20 – Adam

That was amazing. 


0:03:21 – Trisha

And someone had decorated our yard like with decorations. 


0:03:26 – Adam

For me that wasn’t a big deal, but for the kids like that’s one of the ones they remember Like hey, mom, do you remember that? 


0:03:32 – Trisha

time, Like his Adam, had always done decorations and that Christmas that wasn’t going to happen. And so they came home and they’re like mom, there’s like the Christmas decoration. 


0:03:40 – Adam

It looked better than they said. It’s like this is the best Christmas lights we’ve ever had. 


0:03:44 – Trisha

Yeah, it might have been better than ours. Yeah, we couldn’t even compete, it’s true. 


0:03:49 – Adam

So things like that and then you turn the corner and you pull in and like that moment for your kids. You know, when you know that you are completely helpless to make that happen and it’s not a need. 


0:04:00 – Kayla



0:04:00 – Adam

But it’s something that reached their hearts. 


0:04:02 – Trisha

But it’s something that reached their hearts. We call that tiny mercies. 


0:04:04 – Adam

Yeah, for sure, just to see the amount of love that that showed to them. Not everything’s monetary. 


0:04:10 – Trisha

Yeah, and that’s what one of the things they said specifically. They’re like mom, it’s not always Now granted, the financial has been helpful in times, but it’s also been just key thing for our family is doxology, remembering and thinking like, okay, this is hard, but God’s been faithful in the past and he will give us grace for whatever the future is. So, yeah, I think those are the moments and I think that’s helped us to then keep our focus on Christ and not on our situation for sure. 


0:04:40 – Brian

What Ms. Kayla just said. We call this tiny mercies and we have faced stuff, but it’s nothing like what you faced, Adam. But I have a folder on my iPhone in the Notes app and it’s called Tiny Mercies Because I tend to look at all the bad stuff that’s happening. In those days I’m just stressed out with all the bad stuff. I will force myself to look at other places and see what God’s doing and I will start writing those things down to remind me that he’s still active, he’s still moving, he’s still doing good things. It may not just be in this one area where I’m struggling right now, but he’s doing all this other stuff over here, so that sounds like that, yeah for sure. 


0:05:22 – Trisha

Spiritual amnesia right, we forget, we’re so forgetful. 


0:05:32 – Adam

And so then we have to direct our minds to think on truth. Like we had one former student of mine who graduated when I taught high school and it had been years, and like she contacted us and it was right before Christmas after a major surgery, and she’s like, hey, can I come get your kids Christmas presents and wrap them all for you and bring them back? And I don’t. That was just like a huge. 


0:05:49 – Trisha

And, for the record, I hate Chris. I mean I sound like a Scrooge, but that’s one of the things. I do not enjoy wrapping presents? 


0:05:56 – Adam

but regardless, I like a lot of other things. 


0:05:58 – Trisha

It was still just like this but it was a huge help for me. Like one thing I could take off my plate. 


0:06:03 – Adam

And yeah, it was just like a very simple, like super practical. I mean it probably took her several hours to, you know, come pick everything up and then get wrapping paper and wrap them and then bring them all back. But it was just one of those little things that you’re like, I really saw God in that moment and it was one of those things like we will, we’ll never forget. And our kids certainly won’t either, just because the amount of love that showed God shows up in really neat ways. You just never expect. 


0:06:31 – Kayla

From a practical standpoint, have either or both of you had to get comfortable with letting other people do things for you? 


0:06:40 – Trisha

I think I know the answer to this. It’s funny we did talk about this last night. I am probably not as good as I probably should be about it. There are there’s definitely people that are close and dear that I know and I trust them and I’ll say, yeah, like that would be huge, probably could get better. I think that’s one of the things maybe I don’t do as well. 


0:07:01 – Adam

Yeah yeah, I think that it’s a tough thing. I think she’d say we’ve gotten better at it, but I’m still not. I mean, I still fight people helping me. But she’ll tell you, like when we were first married, like I’ve changed a lot, like I have changed so much. I was the person that if she wants something done, I’ll get it done, but I’ll run over everybody in the process of getting it done. 


And so me basically Okay, I wasn’t going to say I was Brian.


You said you were. You said it Okay, but I would like I mean I would really hurt people in the process just cause I was like this is the way it is, like we’re going to get it done. And through the years, like God’s just kind of tore that from me and helping me see people like just cause people like just because I have a physical name doesn’t mean I’m special, like I could be sitting next to someone who is perfectly healthy but is going through something mentally or emotionally or relationally that is just as painful in different ways. And so trying to understand people better and relate to them has really been a long process. And so I think like that drive is still in me to like I’m just going to get it done, and so I think like that drive is still in me to like I’m just going to get it done, and so I still think I’m probably not very good at accepting help. Brian makes me accept help. Sometimes he’s like, hey, David’s going to help you do this. 


0:08:16 – Brian



0:08:17 – Adam

All right yeah. 


0:08:18 – Brian

How have you seen God work in your life, Adam? 


0:08:21 – Adam

A whole myriad of ways I am very different than I was. We joke sometimes not in the pushing people over, but we have kind of changed personalities. 


0:08:29 – Trisha

For sure. Yeah, I’m definitely more of like, okay, let’s get it done, move to the next thing agenda and I’m more of the laid back. 


0:08:40 – Adam

Still want to get stuff done but like let’s take a nap. I take naps at 10. You better-. 


0:08:43 – Brian

Well, here we go. 


0:08:44 – Adam

Aggravate. Three o’clock no, and then 4.30 just to be safe 4.30 just to be safe. 


0:08:51 – Kayla



0:08:51 – Adam

I schedule. 


0:08:53 – Trisha

Meetings with Brian and you work in between right. 


0:08:55 – Adam

Depending on how my day with Brian goes. Crisis nap, yeah, that’s what my. If you text me and I’m having a crisis nap, it’s because something went awry with Brian. 


0:09:05 – Kayla

I’m going to have to start weaving in crisis nap. 


0:09:08 – Adam

No we’re not. No, we are not. Thank you, Adam. 


0:09:12 – Kayla

Yes, absolutely. 


0:09:14 – Brian

So let me we’ll get to the hilarity here in a minute. Back to this. How have you seen God’s grace in your life? Because you’ve seen a lot of pain. 


0:09:24 – Adam

Really, I would just say, through his word really is how God has really changed me, and I’ve shared with you some of it before. There’s a couple of passages that really stick out in my mind that I’ve just run to over and over again. Years ago I was at Lifeway and I was there for something else, but I’m like I’m always the clearance rack shopper, so like if there’s a clearance rack. 


I don’t care what store I’m at, I’m going to go see it. Thank you, Kayla Appreciate that, and Brian at me like I’m crazy. But it’s okay, We’ll talk about that later. So after my crisis but yeah. 


So like I was at Lifeway when they were still around and I went to the clearance rack and they had this like bookend sort of thing and it had Psalm 138 on it, which says the Lord will accomplish his purpose for me, and I bought two of them because I just liked it. I was like that is very meaningful to me. I didn’t really know at the time how meaningful it would become because things just progressively got worse, but it’s still at our house and it’s still up after, oh goodness, 15 plus years probably. And that is just one verse that the Lord has really used in my life, because I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten a new diagnosis or felt like I couldn’t accomplish the things I was given to do, or people meaning well have said things that have hurt, or people meaning well, they have good intentions and just say something and you’re like people go stupid. 


Yeah, but they have good intentions, they just don’t know how to respond to the situation. 


0:10:56 – Brian

I think a lot of higher opinion of people than I do. 


0:10:58 – Adam

but go ahead, I just think people in general like when they enter hard situations, just if they’ve never been there. They don’t know what to say or do and so they say something and it just doesn’t always come out right. But all these different situations I’ve felt that many times like I am useless now, like my goals in life, the things I studied to become what I was working on, what I was pursuing, like we said, like we’re on plan I don’t know whatever. Now, if there was more than 26 letters in the alphabet, we’d be there. 


And yet I’ve come back to this verse and said no, like God said he’s going to accomplish his purpose for me, what he designed before, what he. You know, he planned out all of my days Psalm 139, 13, 14,. Like when he planned all that out, this was all part of his plan. Like this was never a mistake that happened that somehow God was blindsided by this and now my life is a mess. No, this was all part of what he sought to do, and so just finding that hope in scripture that God’s not done with me. I can remember driving down this road right here when I was in engineering, and the white truck which we affectionately called reepa. Cheap after uh C.S. Lewis cs Narnia series. 


My kids helped me name it. I can’t believe that came up on this podcast I’m so proud right now I was driving down the road and I was literally in tears because I was like I just don’t know if I’m useful anymore. Like I’ve got so much going on with my health and my body. Like, can I work, Can I accomplish things? Can I? 


be, helpful to the world in general, like and you know the song came on that like God’s not done with you yet, which is an echo of the same verse Like he’s going to accomplish his purpose for me and that gave me huge hope during that time and I just remember, like, right on this road out here is having that experience. 


So that’s one verse that’s been a huge encouragement to me. The other one that really happened this last year was John nine, where Christ heals the man that was born blind. And it kind of seems like a weird passage to go to because, like oh, christ healed the man that was born blind. And it kind of seems like a weird passage to go to because, like oh, christ healed the man that was born blind. He says well, you were born for the purpose of me healing you. Like, you know, like God’s purpose is being accomplished, you’re healed. 


Well, I had to wrestle with that a lot because I was like, well, he was born blind so that he could be healed and God’s glory was seen in that and seen in him. But I was born healthy, seemingly, although my main disease is the actual DNA defect. It just didn’t manifest itself till later. And yet now I’m sick, like now I’m in a state of unhealth constantly, but yet I’m not healed. And this guy was healed. So, like, how does that play out? Because God’s glory was seen in the healing. But I had to step back and, just you know, look at scripture, look at life and realize like the normative in life is not miracles. We love miracles and we love to see them happen, and God can use all sorts of means to make those happen, but we wouldn’t call them miracles if it was normal. 


0:14:07 – Kayla



0:14:07 – Adam

Right, like we are amazed at seeing miracles because they are abnormal. And there’s a reason that there’s a hospital in every city. It’s because pain and hurt are normative, like that is the normal. So recognizing that like, okay, you know, healing may never come in this world in this world, yeah, yeah, it may never be part of my experience here yeah. 


And I need to stop simply chasing after freedom from pain because that’s where I was for a long time. I just want to be free from this, whether that’s through doctor’s care or whatever. Like I just don’t want this anymore To recognizing okay, I live in a broken world and I should expect brokenness. Like that should be part of how I live is expecting things to be broken in a broken world. And because I can stop chasing freedom from that, I can find freedom and seeing eternity as a hope and a healing that we will have one day and I can look forward to that time. And that was a huge perspective change for me as I wrestled through John 9. So we’ve joked a lot because people will come up and say I’m praying for you and I love that right. 


0:15:25 – Trisha

Obviously, we love people praying for us. 


0:15:30 – Adam

We’ve had some. It hasn’t been recently at all, but we’ve had some people in the past that would come up every week and they’d be like are you healed? 


0:15:36 – Trisha

Is it all better? Are you all better now? 


0:15:40 – Adam

And you’re like well, it’s a DNA defect. So unless God changed my DNA, I’m still the same way, and God certainly has the power to change my DNA. Like it’s not beyond him in the least. I mean, Paul had a thorn in his side and he sought the Lord three times for it to be removed, and then it sounds like he stopped and he trusted the Lord with what he was given. So when these people would come, we’d kind of like be like no, we’re not healed yet, you know, but just pray instead rather than pray for. 


If you want to pray for healing, keep praying for it. I don’t have a problem with you praying for it. But what I need you to pray for because what’s normative is brokenness I need you to pray that I would live out, live well, what I’ve been given, because that’s a whole lot harder. Like if I was healed, it’d be easy for me just to go back to rely on myself. It would be so easy because that’s how I lived and I would probably describe the early part of our marriage really was just self-reliant, and I hope that that’s changed. And if I was to be healed, I think I would just go back to revert back to that and having problems forces me to rely on someone other than myself because I can’t fix them, and God’s there for that, obviously. 


0:16:51 – Brian

I want to ask you both a question, and then I want to say a few things, and Miss Kayla may want to say a few things To the person. Who. To say a few things? To the person who’s listening, to the couple out there who’s listening? And they’ve been given a horrible diagnosis and life will never be the same. I’ll start with Trisha Ladies. First, what would you say to them, as the spouse of somebody who’s been walking this road? 


0:17:14 – Kayla

You stole my question. 


0:17:17 – Trisha

But I’ll let you. 


0:17:18 – Brian

I appreciate that, darling. 


0:17:25 – Trisha

Yeah, I think one thing I have found more recently that we’ve discussed is just making sure that you take time to grieve. I think that’s a vital thing, that maybe we’re not comfortable with those feelings and having someone to talk to and not internalize it by yourself, but discussing those, working through those issues, taking time to not just be like, okay, this is great, no, like taking time to process, is something that our society struggles to process well. And then the second thing is, I think, just understanding that God is still in charge, like he is still in control, and he has a plan, and it’s not necessarily our plan. I think each time we’ve gone through seasons, the Lord has definitely given passages of scripture that I cling to, and right now even I think it applies to that question is Romans 8 in verse 26. It specifically talks about that. 


The spirit also joins to help us in our weakness because we do not know what to pray for, as we should. But the spirit himself intercedes for us with unspoken groanings, and I’m just thankful that when we don’t have the answers and we may not even know what to pray, that the spirit is with us and he is enough and that kind of helps them realize, okay, I can’t even go to the Lord with prayer because I don’t even have the words that disappointment and that loss can also be a comfort of like, okay, I don’t have to have the words and the spirit is enough. So, yeah, I think those are the things that have been that passage, and just meditating on that and seeing the power of Christ through that has been such an encouragement. 


0:18:57 – Adam

Mr. Read. Well, I think the first thing Trisha said is they’re all great. The one first thing she said it’s just taking time to grieve over things. I don’t think our society is good at that. I don’t think we as Christians have a good theology of pain in general and that’s one thing that there’s several good books out there. There’s just the idea of living in pain or having like some reason. We think that as believers, life shouldn’t be hard or there’s just not a box for ongoing pain, like. There’s this idea of like there’s always you’re in the valley, but there’s going to be a mountain top. 


0:19:33 – Trisha

It’s going to get better. Life is going to get better. 


0:19:35 – Adam

It’s going to get better and it’s just not always that way, Like there are some people who are in valleys and they’re always going to be in a valley situation and as believers it’s just in our current society we don’t have a big box for that and I think so that’s just one thing to recognize as a spouse. 


My wife has done great with this. But I think just taking the time to understand what your spouse is going through If I list out my diagnosed medical conditions single space, 12 point font, like it’s over a page long, so like there’s all sorts of stuff going on and taking time to understand what those things do to affect you, like how they affect your daily life, is super important. And she’s done well at just trying to learn what it is and not just being like oh yeah, you got diagnosed with whatever and just kind of having a half knowledge of it where it doesn’t show the level of care and concern that you would if you actually understood what someone was going through. That’s just a really practical thing to do is just take the time to understand so that you can relate and help them the best you can. 


0:20:45 – Trisha

And I think the one thing I would add, I think one thing we have found and we have met with people and just understanding that suffering could be physical, it could be mental, it could be even just hard family situations, and so I think that there is a lot of suffering and people struggle maybe even to communicate or tell, because they think that they have to have it all together, and so one thing we’ve tried to encourage is just that brokenness is a part of the world and we need to give people space for that. 


0:21:17 – Adam

Yeah, I think if we were all just in general and myself included here but if we were all just in general, more open about the brokenness we have, there’d be a whole lot more uh balm of Christ to go around and be, soothing, as opposed to just trying to keep it inside and keep that veneer of everything’s okay, how are you? 


I’m fine, you know, yeah, going on. There’s just a lot. There’s hurt everywhere you look and just trying to be open about that. It’s tough, it’s not an easy thing, but trying to push against that. 


0:21:50 – Brian

So I just want to say this Trisha, thank you for allowing him to be my friend, and I mean that he has made my life richer and better because he’s in it. So thank you, Trisha, for that. And, Adam, I want to thank you for serving the ministry and for being an amazing friend to me. I’ll just tell you I don’t enter a room unless Adam usually tells me why I’m going into the room. That’s one of his, that’s what he does for me, and every day it’s like B, you have this and there’s where you’ll be and this is what you’ll be doing, that kind of stuff. So thank you, and let me say this too you know, as a, a leader, I have to make hard decisions and there’s a lot of stress. This guy will call me up, tell me the dumbest joke and then just hang up and I get to hear them every day and they are fantastic. 


I mean he’ll just call up, he’ll just call up and say these dumb things and just hang up. 


0:22:51 – Kayla

Won’t even say bye, just click so he can pretend they’re like driving him crazy. But then I get a phone call and I get the joke. 


0:22:59 – Adam

I won’t have to take as many crisis naps now. And then there’s that our kids might appreciate that you hear and maybe you give a better feedback because I don’t think that he gets the great, you know our teenage daughters don’t laugh as much at the dumb jokes, so you might relieve some of that from them. You’re taking the pressure off. 


0:23:17 – Brian

There you go. I want to say this finally to both of you you help us put our pain into a proper perspective. You help us put what we’re going through into a proper perspective. And, Trisha, you said something pretty profound. You said that if he’s the God of eternity, then he’s the God of today. If he can handle eternity, he can handle this, and there’s things that we’re walking through right now, that kind of stuff, and that’s helped me because, well, if he can handle my eternity, he can handle this. Now, I’d rather it be pain free, for sure, right, yeah, you know what I’m saying. I’d like to have bubble gum and Willy Wonka and candy and everything else. Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream. That would be nice Peanuts. Here we go. He’s trying to kill me. 


0:24:00 – Kayla

This is what he does to me. 


0:24:02 – Brian

So thank you for that reminder that he is big enough to handle our stuff. And, Adam Read, I’ll tell you this publicly and I have told you this privately I’m a better man because you’re in my life and as long as I have a job, you have a job and I love you and I’m thankful for you. 


0:24:25 – Adam

Very kind. I love you both and just privileged to be your friends and to know you guys, and you are a blessing to me. 


0:24:30 – Trisha

Yeah, and thank you for giving us a chance to share our story. It’s a privilege as well. 


0:24:36 – Adam

I found this one truth super encouraging. It’s just a quote by C.S. Lewis, but as we think about the pain we have here and placing our hope somewhere else than in relief from stuff, now, C.S. Lewis said if we find within ourselves a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world, and that’s just been a huge help to me in perspective. 


0:25:02 – Kayla

That exact quote was shared at our women’s retreat this last weekend. So I just want you both to know that when you walk into a space, you may not feel it, but Jesus is all over you and I see it in you, I see it in your kids. Yes, I thank you for taking time today to share him, because that’s what you did. You could have sat here for the last however many minutes and lamented all the 43.22. Here you go. 


0:25:41 – Adam

Oh, it’s nap time. 


0:25:42 – Kayla

I was going to say he’s going to need two crisis naps this afternoon, but I just want you to know that I believe with everything in me that God is going to use your suffering to change someone else, because they’re going to be reminded that he is the God of all of it, and so thank you. I know it’s hard to talk about suffering, but you almost made it sound joyful, which that’s what God wants us to do sometimes, so thank you, thank you both. 


I love how they have made a works of God list. You call that what? 


0:26:21 – Brian

Tiny mercies I keep in my Apple notes folder. On my phone I keep a folder called tiny mercies. 


0:26:28 – Kayla



0:26:29 – Brian

And, as I said during the podcast, it’s whenever things get very stressful I need to be mindful to look at God at work in other areas, not just the one that I’m all stressed about, because that’ll help my heart to know okay, he’s still there, he’s still working, he’s still God. 


0:26:44 – Kayla

Yes, there was something else. Very sweet was listening to them share about different people who, not just for them but for their kids, who have been the hands and feet of Christ for them. They’ve done things for them that have carried them from, like decorating for Christmas, giving them gift cards, wrapping presents. I mean, that’s a love language of its own, seriously. 


0:27:14 – Brian

I’d haul them to the mall. I’d put people there wrapping. 


0:27:17 – Kayla

Maybe those of us who aren’t suffering can seek God as to how we can provide mercy to those in the throes of it. That’s something I’ve been chewing on since we sat with them. 


0:27:32 – Brian

Trisha mentioned a spiritual principle that I love the way she put it. She said we all get spiritual amnesia In other words we forget what God has already done for us yeah. We forget that, and so it’s good to look back and see what God has done, and I want to encourage each of us to do that. That’s just a mental reminder. Look back and see what God has done, and I want to encourage each of us to do that. That’s just a mental reminder. Look back and see what. 


0:27:54 – Kayla

God has done, because his faithfulness is what’s going to remind you that he will carry you through the next thing. There was a statement. Adam said I’ve changed a lot, and he said if I was healed and when he talked about the blind man, I think it was in John 9 he referenced it would be easy for me to go back to who I was. And so I realized that this is God sanctifying me to make me more like him. What an amazing place to land when you’re walking around, sometimes limping around with three different illnesses, and yet you realize that this is so that you can be made more like Christ. 


0:28:38 – Brian

That’s one thing about Adam he pushes me. He doesn’t do it overtly, but just by his quiet pursuit. I want to be more like Jesus because of Adam. 


0:28:50 – Kayla



0:28:51 – Brian

Because I got to be honest with you. He lives out that passage of John 9. I’d be angry about it. I know my heart. I’d be bitter. Adam said this quote I need to stop chasing freedom from pain. True freedom is the hope and healing that will come one day. That’s truly having a heavenward look, that’s truly looking toward heaven. And he just read a book by Paul Tripp that’s called Forever and he was telling me how that’s really helped him look toward heaven and believe it and to put that in his heart. 


0:29:33 – Kayla

He shared with us how the word of God steadies him reading Scripture and soaking that in, and that’s so true. I remember we went through a very challenging season early in our marriage and it was a situation completely out of our control. But someone advised me to read the Psalms and I thought, are you crazy? But I committed to read one Psalm a day. I kept my word to that person and it was transformational how my heart was at the end of that versus where I was sitting going into that situation. 


0:30:17 – Brian

He says pray that I will live well with what I’ve been given. Again, there’s almost. It even says this to view it as a gift. 


0:30:28 – Kayla



0:30:28 – Brian

To view it and it is from the Lord. Okay, it is from the Lord. Okay, it is from the Lord. But there’s also this thing that we call dark providence or something like that. I can’t remember the exact theological term.


0:30:39 – Kayla

Is it bitter providence? 


0:30:40 – Brian

Bitter, bitter providence, yeah, that’s what it’s called that, like what God brings into our lives can sometimes make us bitter, and I think that’s where I would be, because one of my biggest fears is to be a burden to you. It’s one of my biggest fears, and so my fear is is God going to bring something like that in my life and now it’s going to unjustly impact those in my life? 


0:31:05 – Kayla

I want to end with these reminders from both of them, but most of this came from Trisha. Reminders from both of them, but most of this came from Trisha. Allow yourself to grieve the life you wanted. I loved that. Just it’s okay to not be okay with what’s going on and it’s okay to mourn that yes, and even though you’re accepting where you are, it doesn’t take anything away from what you wish. 


0:31:28 – Brian

But neither of them are angry. 


0:31:30 – Kayla

No, Remember that God is still in control. Be willing to learn about the other person’s condition. I loved this that Trisha has taken the time to actually research Adam’s conditions so that she can find ways to show care, ask the right questions when they go to the doctor, and to show empathy. So those are just some good reminders to all of us. If we find ourselves in a situation where someone is really suffering and it is an illness or a struggle that we don’t understand, allow them to walk through some of these steps and then be willing to do some of them ourselves. 


0:32:13 – Brian

We want to give you a coffee mug and some stickers. And, if I could be so bold, I just want to ask you a question, and this is this week’s trivia question have you been encouraged by Adam and Trisha? That’s all I want to ask, and if you say yes, we’ll send you a coffee mug and a pack of stickers, because they have been encouraging to us. Yeah, so understand that. To do that, you go to our website. 


0:32:42 – Kayla

Go find our trivia button. Sorry, I totally zoned out there for a second. Click the trivia button at website and simply answer this question. Were you encouraged. Were you encouraged I also the reason I zoned out. I kind of want to take it a step further. If someone wants to be really brave, share with us a time that you saw a tiny mercy from. 


0:33:08 – Brian

God, that’s good, that’s even better. Let’s do that. 


0:33:10 – Kayla

So, yes, please, please, share with us if you were encouraged, and we will pass that on to Adam and Trisha, but we would also love to hear your stories of tiny mercies that God has shown in your life. 


0:33:23 – Brian

So simply go to our website, look for the trivia question and simply tell us when was a time that you saw a tiny mercy from God. So there you go, we’ll send you a coffee mug and a pack of stickers. Hey, you can search the Peas and Carrots podcast wherever you get your podcast. 


0:33:42 – Kayla

Or visit our website When you do, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast. You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Just search for the Peas and Carrots Podcast. 


0:33:53 – Announcer

For more about the Peas and Carrots Podcast and to reach out to Brian and Kayla, visit Growing through the challenges we face and finding hope along the way. That’s the Jesus Fix It Podcast with Jess. Check out or search Jesus Fix It wherever you listen to podcasts.





Season 3, Episode 10: Biggest Fan

Biggest Fan - Episode Description

Join us this week on Peas and Carrots Podcast for a heartwarming and hilarious journey through the daily dance of our lives together. We share the ins and outs of trying to stick to new habits and routines, from daily trackers to a clever snack bucket system that keeps us on the path to healthier choices. Laugh along as we confess to the quirks in our habit-maintaining strategies and reveal our weekend plans to finally take down our Christmas tree.

We open up about the strength of support and encouragement in a marriage, emphasizing the need for both partners to be each other’s biggest fans. As we chat, you’ll discover the humor and humility in swapping household roles and the comedic results that can ensue. Our conversation is an ode to the idea that being there for each other through thick and thin fortifies a relationship, especially when facing the trials of everyday life. So tune in to hear how we navigate these dynamics with love, laughter, and a touch of grace.

In this installment, we also share some interesting facts about ourselves, discussing everything from the trivial frustrations of ‘reply all’ emails to the more profound personal struggles like dealing with nightmares. We reflect on the ways we each show up in the world, hiding our vulnerabilities behind loudness or stoicism. We’ll also have a few laughs as we share some of our comical quirks. So, grab your headphones, settle in, and let’s share life from our piece of the vegetable patch.

Biggest Fan - Transcript

0:00:00 – Announcer

We go together like Peas and Carrots. The Peas and Carrots Podcast, sharing life from our piece of the vegetable patch, Brian and Kayla Sanders. 


0:00:11 – Kayla

Welcome to the Peas and Carrots Podcast. 


0:00:13 – Brian

I’m Brian and I’m Kayla, and thanks for being here this week. Right before, I mean just 10 seconds ago, before I press this button to record…


0:00:21 – Kayla



0:00:22 – Brian

We were having a marital moment.


0:00:28 – Kayla

It wasn’t a big deal. When we test the microphones. I always say hello there, and you always growl and say mic check one, two right so I got a little sideways and said what is wrong with me saying hello there? So I admit I just got a lesson as to why the mic check one. Two is important is to make sure that my p’s are not popping well, and also it’s so my t’s don’t sound like and so it’s a long still think I should be able to say hello there. I’ll tell you what baby? 


you say whatever so anyway, hello there um, I’ll tell you what baby you say, whatever you want. 


0:01:06 – Brian

So anyway, hello there. Y’all see what she did there, don’t you? 


0:01:11 – Kayla

How are we doing with our new habits? We’re keeping a daily tracker. 


0:01:15 – Brian

We’ve changed the way we grocery shop. I did great during February. It’s March, whatever, and I haven’t. I got to copy that over. 


0:01:22 – Kayla

Have you even created it? No, there’s only one more week of March. 


0:01:30 – Brian

I’ll start in April. Oh, I forgot all about that. I even have a little daily reminder, and he hasn’t asked no he hasn’t asked. Well then, why am? 


0:01:39 – Kayla

I filling this out because I haven’t missed a day. Okay, technically I think I missed yesterday. 


0:01:45 – Brian

Okay, see now. This is a perfect illustration of the difference between B and K. 


0:01:49 – Kayla

K is very detailed, and that is what I hoped was going to come out here. K is very detailed you seriously have not done March at all. I’ve not copied that over yet and Jesse has not asked. 


0:02:00 – Brian

No, because I’m killing myself in there. 


0:02:03 – Kayla

You are. We’ll come back to that, but. 


0:02:06 – Brian

I’ve not kept up with a single day. 


0:02:08 – Kayla

See, I guess we should explain what this is. In the morning we have certain habits that we can choose, like I am choosing to drink 20 ounces of pure water before 10 am, and then I’m choosing to do that again between 10 and 2. And then after 4, I am weaving in some like healthy vitamins. I’m choosing to do that again between 10 and 2, and then after 4,. I am weaving in some healthy vitamins. I’m journaling. I’m reading one chapter a day for leadership or personal growth. 


0:02:34 – Brian

What are you journaling? 


0:02:35 – Kayla

You just journal your thoughts. I keep a gratitude journal. I sometimes write down thoughts about the day I ain’t got time for that. Well, obviously you ain’t got time to fill out a habit tracker. 


0:02:48 – Brian

Well, mine had. I can’t remember what mine had on it. It was like drink water, but I can’t. 


0:02:55 – Kayla

But we do like a weekly snack budget or bucket, sorry, not well, we do budget for it, but we keep a snack bucket. We keep a fruit bucket, budget for it, but we keep a snack bucket. We keep a fruit bucket. It’s just weaving in some new habits so that if we are hungry you will go get a fruit bowl instead of we don’t keep crackers and chips and it’s very sad our pantry is very sad so, but our fridge is very happy, well, so yeah, what are we doing this weekend? 


0:03:28 – Brian

Oh Well, I know that this is so if people need to feel better about themselves oh. Oh, we’re taking down the Christmas tree. 


0:03:36 – Kayla

We are. 


0:03:38 – Brian

But I still like it being out. 


0:03:39 – Kayla

Well, it’s a winter tree. We turned it into a winter, but it’s spring. It’s officially spring. 


0:03:45 – Brian

I’m in a hoodie today. 


0:03:46 – Kayla

It is cold outside, but still Okay. So it’s coming down. For those of you who may feel like you’re behind in life, you’re not. 


0:03:54 – Brian

I’ll get to see the right corner of the TV for the first time in like 120 days. 


0:03:59 – Kayla

That’d be pretty awesome For the record. You are the one that asked me to leave the tree up. I am you. You are the record. 


0:04:04 – Brian

You are the one that asked me to leave the trio. I am, you are. I don’t mean I can’t complain about it. Just because I like it doesn’t mean I’m not going to complain about it. 


0:04:10 – Kayla

So there was a moment this morning. 


0:04:12 – Brian

Here we go. 


0:04:15 – Kayla

You have really I’ve got to brag on you. You have really stepped up with your workouts. You braved going to our trainer and telling him I need more, I need more intensity. 


0:04:25 – Brian

I’m down like 104 pounds you are. I’m down another pant size, but there was a very funny moment this morning. I’m on this exercise bike. I normally do like two miles and I’m at like 40 RPM. Okay, and that’s comfortable for me, I’ll do that. Well, he’s been challenging me to like really step up the pace. 


0:04:47 – Kayla



0:04:48 – Brian

So I went walking and I walked a mile and I cut six minutes off my one minute mile. Then I got on that bike and he’s like all right, let’s just crank it up. Well, I went as hard as I could. I had that mug up to like 54, 55 RPM and I went like over half a mile, like 0.6, almost overheated and I used that phrase. 


0:05:11 – Kayla

And this is how she, You’re not a car Well. 


0:05:18 – Brian

I started seeing stars. That’s the only phrase I could come up with. Overheated. Well yes, I mean that’s the best word I could come up with overheated. Well, yes, I mean that’s the best word I could come up with. And so I crawled off that bike and I’m sitting there on the box and Jesse, our trainer, comes up. He says you OK? I said no, I almost overheated. Then he got tickled and started laughing at me and that kind of stuff. But it’s working. I’ll say that I mean. 


0:05:42 – Kayla

You’re doing great. In all seriousness, you are pushing yourself so hard. 


0:05:47 – Brian

As are you and I can see the results. 


0:05:50 – Kayla

I really can. You’re feeling good about yourself. You had to buy some new blue jeans. 


0:05:55 – Brian

And a new belt. 


0:05:56 – Kayla

Even suspenders weren’t cutting it anymore. 


0:05:58 – Brian

So and your clothes are looking great, I mean you always do look classy. 


0:06:05 – Kayla

Oh, you’re very kind, but I did have to go down a size in all my pants. 


0:06:10 – Brian

And yeah. 


0:06:11 – Kayla

So, Finally from our cabbage patch. 


0:06:15 – Brian

Can I just say something? I am proud of myself, I’m proud of you, but y’all, we can’t walk or move in the evenings. Heating pads and Advil, and the next morning is just awful. 


0:06:26 – Kayla

We just grunt and groan. 


0:06:27 – Brian

Snap, crackle, pop when you get up. 


0:06:31 – Kayla

Many have asked. 


0:06:33 – Brian



0:06:34 – Kayla

How is my hip doing, and thank you to all who have asked. I can tell you when a front’s coming, so I do still have some fluid on my hip. It’s not as large, it’s not as pronounced, I guess, is the word I’m looking for. That’s a good word. And sitting for long periods is not as painful as it was. But I’m not ready to sign up for a marathon just yet. But hey, guess what it’s going to rain tomorrow. My hip tells me. 


0:07:05 – Brian

Kayla “the weathervane” Sanders. You had a conversation with a friend the other night about supporting one another in like ministry, because her and her husband are in ministry and we’re in ministry together, and that’s what led to this topic. Okay, yeah. So from there, why don’t you kind of ease us into this topic a little bit? 


0:07:34 – Kayla

Well, you and I have had this conversation several times over the last few months, but it did come up and it got me to thinking. What does it look like to support each other and to show up for each other in a relationship? Now, yes, this can be friendship, this can be family, this can be marriage. We are going to spend a good portion of the time talking about marriage, because we’re talking about B and K and how we do this for each other, or I guess I should say pea and carrot. There we go, but okay, it feels really weird to refer to yourself as vegetable. But anyway, what we’ve come to realize is that we are each other’s biggest fan, and so we want to unpack that and spend a little time For me, one of the first things I want to share I could not have navigated the career that I’ve had without your full and unwavering support. 


0:08:35 – Brian

And you’ll always have it, always. I feel like that’s part of the reason why God made me. That’s my role as a husband. That’s what I’m supposed to do. I’m supposed to cheer you, I’m supposed to support you. So, yeah, you will always have it For me. I could not be the leader I am without your willingness to be a sounding board and to hold a mirror up to me to show me who I really am, because I am very naive. I believe the best about people and I believe the best about me, and that’s part of my broken. So I need you to hold up a mirror sometimes. Say B, do you see this? 


0:09:17 – Kayla

Yeah, that also comes with caution, though. There are times when, as a spouse, if your person is really struggling, that may not be the time to hold up the mirror, just even if you know that there’s something that needs to be addressed, as with all things, kind of read the room on when you might need to. I did not say that, but I do try to be very careful. If you’ve had a really tough week and it’s come with a lot of hits, I’m probably not going to like pile on at that moment. 


0:09:54 – Brian

So pile on spaghetti and meat sauce. 


0:09:58 – Kayla

We just had lunch, but does that matter? We’re no, it’s time. 


0:10:02 – Brian

We’re hungry all the time now. 


0:10:05 – Kayla

This may be an unpopular opinion, but neither of our careers is superior to the other. We aren’t threatened by how God’s using the other or blessing the other, and there have been seasons where it feels like God has given a bounty to you in what you’re doing. And then there have been seasons where I’ve been the receiver of good gifts and we’re not the couple that one outshines the other. 


0:10:37 – Brian

So, building on that, let me say this we are each other’s advocates. 


0:10:40 – Kayla



0:10:41 – Brian

We don’t compete, you know. 


0:10:44 – Kayla

I am your biggest cheerleader and you are mine. 


0:10:46 – Brian

Yes, so let me so let me say this. It’s a huge flaw of mine. Whenever you’re venting to me or you’re sharing your heart, I oftentimes want to recommend solutions, and if I had a $10 bill for every time that you’ve said to me baby, just listen. 


0:11:09 – Kayla

I’m not asking you to fix anything. We could retire tomorrow. 


0:11:14 – Brian

We could retire tomorrow. But I got these great solutions, but for you, you just need to get this stuff off your heart, yeah. 


0:11:22 – Kayla

I have learned to say up front though, I’m not looking for a solution. 


0:11:28 – Brian

How’s that working out? 


0:11:29 – Kayla

It’s gotten better. 


You have you really have gotten better at? Just I can tell you’re twitching a little bit because you just really want to fix it, but you are trying just to listen and not go in. But that’s one of your strengths as a leader is you’re a problem solver and you are a fixer. But sometimes I’m coming to you as a spouse and I’ve even said that, haven’t I? I’ve said to you B, I’m coming to you as K, not as one of your team members right now, and so that helps. There are seasons we have both seen this where I may need to carry more of the load at home due to outside work, and there are seasons where you may need to carry more of the work at home. 


0:12:15 – Brian

Okay, and speaking of, let me just say this, let me just say this up front. This, let me just say this up front the only way I can carry more of the load at home is like by helping to cook with food and cooking pick up dinner why don’t you wash clothes b? This has been over 30 years ago. Okay, I think you can trust me now nope what did you use? Too much of bleach and it put white splotches all over my clothes my clothes. I thought this happened before we got married. 


0:12:44 – Kayla

Oh, you tried this. You also shrunk one of my wool sweaters and it fit my friend’s four-year-old daughter. 


0:12:50 – Brian

I think that was somebody else, but I can cook and go pick up food. 


0:12:53 – Kayla

What else do you try to keep clean for us? 


0:12:55 – Brian

My bathroom. But there’s a definition, there’s a moving definition of clean. 


0:13:03 – Kayla

Yeah, but here’s the thing We’ve learned that it’s a privilege to come alongside each other and show tangible ways to be a support in busy times. It’s not like there’s this job description that we stick rigidly to, especially in busy seasons, I agree. 


0:13:21 – Brian

Now I in busy seasons, I agree. Now I do not wash clothes. No, I wash dishes. But if I wash them, I rewash them. 


0:13:32 – Kayla

Well, sometimes you just use that little wand and you haven’t put any soap on it. 


0:13:37 – Brian

There is soap in the wand. 


0:13:39 – Kayla

No, there’s not anyway. 


0:13:41 – Brian

All right, moving on. 


0:13:42 – Kayla

Back. There’s not, anyway, all right. Moving on back to the cheerleader. You have always been my biggest cheerleader because you challenge me when I embrace negative self-talk. You encourage me when I’m trying something new or scary, and you know my tells, you know what’s going on when I’m scared or when I’m afraid to take a risk. You offer help without expecting to receive the credit or the spotlight, although I am quick to give shout outs when you do. 


0:14:09 – Brian

That’s a very big gift of yours. 


0:14:10 – Kayla

But you can tell when I’m stuck. 


0:14:14 – Brian



0:14:15 – Kayla

And so you will cheer me on. This is the big thing here. You don’t allow me to give up or walk away from something. 


0:14:23 – Brian

You will make me stick it out because you see my potential and you want me to live into it yeah, there’s nothing I’m so grateful for that there’s nothing because I’ve done a lot of stuff scared I mean, you have embraced what god has given you and there’s nothing worse than walking away from that. 


0:14:42 – Kayla

Well, I had a great teacher, and he’s sitting across from me. 


0:14:46 – Brian

Let me just say this is that Kay is my rock and she steadies me. You speak life to me because I can spiral pretty quick. I can get very, I can get very down. I doubt myself so much and my personality type is that I will take care of everybody else but I’m going to ignore myself and you make sure that Brian gets taken care of. So thank you for that. I mean that, thank you. 


0:15:16 – Kayla

So the bottom line is this A relationship based on genuine love is one in which you’re constantly dying to yourself, and what that looks like is it’s easy to fall into that trap that I am more important than you are, my needs are more important than you are, my career is more important than you are. When you love a person and you see them as made in the image of Christ, you choose to cherish them and put them first. 


0:15:45 – Brian

I could not agree more. And scripture even says to husbands to love your wife, as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her. In other words, I’m supposed to even be willing to give up my life for you, and I do that in certain circumstances. Okay. 


0:16:06 – Kayla

On that note. 


0:16:07 – Brian

I’m kidding. In any circumstance, I believe that that’s my calling and that’s what I’m supposed to do, and I just want to say this baby, thank you for believing in me and supporting me. 


0:16:17 – Kayla

Right back at you. 


0:16:21 – Brian

Well, this should be fun, Just a few random facts about us. Okay. 


0:16:27 – Kayla

I hate to drive oh. 


0:16:29 – Brian

I don’t mind driving, I don’t mind taking you places. 


0:16:32 – Kayla

It is a necessary evil for me Now. You don’t want me driving after dark. I have night vision issues. 


0:16:40 – Brian

And let me say this and if it’s like more than two or three turns, I will take you, because you get prone to get. 


0:16:48 – Kayla

I won’t come back to that one. It might be on my list. 


0:16:51 – Brian

I hate to be bored. 


0:16:52 – Kayla

Oh, my goodness, yes. 


0:16:54 – Brian

I like to be entertained, which? 


0:16:56 – Kayla

is part of why you read so much, I think, because it gives you something to do. 


0:17:00 – Brian

Yeah, but I can’t read so much, I think, because it gives you something to do. Yeah, but I can’t stand, I cannot stand to be bored. I need to have a show, a book. There needs to be a person talking to me, yep. Or like this morning when I got up oh my gosh 4.30 in the morning. 


0:17:16 – Kayla

Ok, no, I had to go to the bathroom. No, I just need to get this out? 


0:17:21 – Brian

No, I looked out the window, and what? 


0:17:27 – Kayla

do I see there where your flowers are planted around the mailbox? Do I need to know at 430 in the morning that deer are eating my plant?


0:17:32 – Brian

Kay, come here, come look at this. I peeped my head. I said, kay, I was whispering. 


0:17:37 – Kayla

It doesn’t matter that you were whispering what it’s 430 in the morning I said come look, anyway, moving on. 


0:17:45 – Brian

If it’d been a bear, you’d have come look, wouldn’t you, mm-mm, not at 4.30. 


0:17:48 – Kayla

Really, go with God, bear Zombies. 


0:17:52 – Brian

Nope, okay. 


0:17:54 – Kayla

I love gardening, but I’m known for killing houseplants. 


0:17:58 – Brian

Houseplant assassin right here. Now you’ve got this one in the kitchen. That’s just going nuts. 


0:18:03 – Kayla

I ignore it, I do. It has beautiful sunlight where it sits and I basically just pour leftover water from the coffee pot on it Now each week I’m going to say something I’ve thought for years. 


0:18:15 – Brian

You know, every week we go to Kroger and we grocery shop and your first stop is a little flower section. You’ll buy a couple of bouquets of flowers. You ever wonder if those flowers are like screaming their guts out because they’ve been cut. Like you know, they’ve been cut off from their life source and all those bouquets are just going because they’re just sitting there legless. No, that doesn’t cross your mind. 


0:18:41 – Kayla

Moving on. Speaking of flowers. 


0:18:44 – Brian

But you love flowers? I do, and you do too. But you have a confession here. I love looking at them, but I could care less if I plant them.


0:18:52 – Kayla

Well, that’s why we get them. 


0:18:55 – Brian

I remember that we used to down in New Orleans. We planned this little garden. We put tomatoes and beans and peas and that’s about eight weeks in I realized I could walk over to the grocery store and spend five dollars and buy more than what this is producing. So no, I’m not into that. That’s just me. But I know that that makes you happy, happy, yes. 


0:19:16 – Kayla

In conjunction with my fear not fear of driving, I just hate driving. I do have an irrational fear of getting lost. When we go somewhere new, I have to remind myself. There are apps with maps. I can find my way home, but I am not good in situations where I don’t know where we’re going. And again, I have a tell you can figure out and you’ll assure me that everything’s good. 


0:19:43 – Brian

You know where we are Start taking that little hand, scratching that little head. Oh, just like this, Just sitting there scratching it. I know I said okay, we’ve entered. I struggle with having nightmares. 


0:19:55 – Kayla



0:19:55 – Brian

I have them probably twice a week. I’m part of the 3% of Americans who actually struggle with this. 


0:20:01 – Kayla

We have learned, though it’s your brain doing what? 


0:20:04 – Brian

Processing? Processing things, yeah, and the way it does, that is through nightmares occasionally and I’ve been the doctor and therapist that kind of stuff. 


0:20:12 – Kayla

So okay, I’m going to go ahead and apologize for this. Oh, okay, I’m going to go ahead and apologize for this. Nothing makes me crazier than reply all email threads. I’m sorry. I get that they are sometimes necessary, but I would prefer to reply personally to people. And yet then comes the next person who hits reply all and yet then comes the next person who hits reply all, and then I feel like a heel because people think I’m never responding but I am I’m typically doing it one-on-one, though, so okay, well, I’m not a fan of email overall I know you’re not 


but I mean, if it has more than four lines, I’m click delete I have to tell you the beginning in the end or the middle, because you read the beginning and the end. 


0:20:59 – Brian

I hate email. I hate entering my password using a TV remote control. 


0:21:07 – Kayla

So like when Netflix signs itself out or your Apple TV goes down. 


0:21:12 – Brian

It is the dumbest thing. But my anger level can go from zero to 60 in one second. I mean I am down the highway. I get so upset about that. It’s the dumbest thing. But my anger level can go from zero to 60 in one second. I mean I am down the highway. 


0:21:21 – Kayla

I get so upset about that First world problems that we live with. 


0:21:23 – Brian

Create something that will read I mean, MacBook has it, apple has it. You just read your fingerprint. Do that with that remote. I feel better now. 


0:21:33 – Kayla

Okay, kind of like me with the emails, All right. So one thing about my personality. I’ll end with this. I can present myself as very stoic. Hello, I’m British, but I feel things very deeply and. I care very personally, you do, so those two things can often kind of seem contradictory. 


0:21:54 – Brian

I’ll say this is that sometimes the outside doesn’t match the inside. I was a compliment, oh okay. I mean, you appear very stoic, but you’ve got a lot happening. 


0:22:07 – Kayla

There’s a lot going on. 


0:22:08 – Brian

Yeah, yeah. 


0:22:10 – Kayla

But I was taught you know stiff upper lip. 


0:22:12 – Brian

Yeah, that’s that British in you, but on the inside, I may be like in tears. 


0:22:17 – Kayla

Yeah, whereas for me it’s all out there, baby okay, that was a little what’s your last one. 


0:22:23 – Brian

You did not have to answer that so quickly I didn’t say I don’t like it about you no, but you answered it just like that boom. Okay, I’m sorry no, you’re not read your last I’m loud revelation about yourself I’m loud, I’m boisterous and it’s usually a shield to get you to like or even accept me and usually to help you look past my size no and let you see me as a person now. I’m not going to change who I am. 


0:22:51 – Kayla

I’m loud, I’m boisterous you’re a roaming party is what I call you. 


0:22:57 – Brian

But these days I got to be home by 830. 


0:23:00 – Kayla

Party’s got to end on time. Party’s got to end about 8:30. Okay, good to know so there’s that, hey. 


0:23:05 – Brian

It’s been our joy to spend this time with you and we’d like to give you a coffee mug and a pack of stickers and news. There’s a bunch more peas and carrots swag coming our way. 


0:23:17 – Kayla

There is, so stay tuned. But the first two people who go to our website and answer our trivia question, you will win a peas and carrots coffee mug, some stickers and apparently some of you are getting pens. Oh, and that was a very funny story that fell out this week Our dear friend Adam he’s my executive assistant. 


This is a teaser he and his wife will be joining our podcast soon. Yes, Adam actually includes a pen for the Encouraging Radio brand, which is part of our PAR family, right, well, someone thought that they accidentally got a pen. 


0:23:52 – Brian

So hey, are y’all missing a pen by accident? 


0:23:54 – Kayla

So nope, the pen was purposeful, it was there. A pen by accident? So nope, the pen was purposeful, it was there. But if you will click our website, yeah, you go to 


0:24:03 – Brian

Click on the trivia button and answer this question. 


0:24:07 – Kayla

Share with us one random fact about yourself. 


0:24:10 – Brian

Now look, please don’t put on there like how many moles or warts you got. 


0:24:15 – Kayla

Or you killed somebody in 1985. Right, we don’t need that, we don’t need to know that, but just one random fact about yourself. 


0:24:23 – Brian

So you go to 


0:24:25 – Kayla

Click that trivia button and you can win. Answer that question. You’ll win a coffee mug and some stickers and a pen. 


0:24:31 – Brian

So thanks for listening. Hey, you can search the Peas and Parrots. 


0:24:37 – Kayla

Peas and Carrots Podcast wherever you get your podcast or visit our website and, when you do, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast. You can follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Just search for the Peas and Carrots Podcast.


0:24:54 – Brian

Peas and parrots. 


0:24:55 – Announcer

For more about the Peas and Carrots Podcast and to reach out to Brian and Kayla, visit Growing through the challenges we face and finding hope along the way. That’s the Jesus Fix It Podcast with Jess. Check out or search Jesus Fix It wherever you listen to podcasts. 




Season 3, Episode 4: I See You

I See You - Episode Description

Join Brian and Kayla on their Peas and Carrots Podcast as they wrap up January and step into February with lively discussions on relationships and the challenge of loving difficult people. They reflect on altering vacation plans, delve into communication within marriage, and share the soreness of a new fitness routine. Inspired by Bob Goff, they tackle the art of dealing with rudeness, bullies, and drama, advocating for grace and support in abusive dynamics. The episode lightens with a ‘Getting to Know You’ segment, childhood memories, and a playful giveaway. It’s an honest, enriching, and fun conversation that’s part of the growing Peas and Carrots family.


I See You- Transcript

0:00:00 – Announcer

We go together like Peas and Carrots. The Peas and Carrots Podcast, sharing life from our piece of the vegetable patch, Brian and Kayla Sanders. 


0:00:11 – Kayla

Welcome to the Peas and Carrots Podcast. 


0:00:13 – Brian

I’m Brian and I’m Kayla, what’s up in the world of Peas and Carrots?


0:00:18 – Kayla

Hallelujah, it’s February. Why are you so happy? Why are you so happy about that? Because January felt like it was six months long. I don’t know why it just did. 


0:00:29 – Brian

Oh, here’s my quandary with this. Uh-huh. The older we get, we actually complain about how time flies by so fast not January, but then when there’s a month that seems like it lasts forever, we complain that lasts forever. 


0:00:41 – Kayla

Well, apparently we just like to complain, but here we are. Here we are as we record today. 


0:00:50 – Brian

It’s groundhog day the day of this recording is a groundhog day and this rat is predicting an early spring. 


0:00:55 – Kayla

He is so putting a lot of faith in him. But here we are here we are and I hope he’s right. So there, happy groundhog day. 


0:01:06 – Brian

We made a huge decision regarding our vacation. 


0:01:09 – Kayla

We did. I was really struggling with telling you how I felt, but this is where communication and marriage is so important. I finally got brave and told you be, I really don’t feel that this is the year we should be doing international travel. And your response was hallelujah. 


0:01:29 – Brian

You thank God, praise God. 


0:01:31 – Kayla

So we shifted gears. We’re gonna do something in the continental United States and we’ll reveal those plans later, yeah so, but we’re both very happy and at peace with this. Italy. Yes, one day, Greece, revisit that. Loved going the first time. I know we’ll love going the second time, but it’s just not for us this year, yeah. So here’s where we are. That’s us, and we’re excited and we’re also very sore. And why is that? 


0:02:02 – Brian

Our trainer started us on a new routine this past Tuesday and today like. 


0:02:09 – Kayla

Today was day three of her. 


0:02:11 – Brian

Yeah, my every joint in my body is screaming. 


0:02:14 – Kayla

I can’t laugh. It hurts to laugh, so yeah so yeah, so it’s good for us really it is. We’ve started this week not only, not only tracking our physical activity, but we’re also committing to accountability with what food, food, sleep. Habits. 


0:02:35 – Brian

I think he’s doing this to us to make us into like pretty corpses. That’s the whole point of this. So everybody needs accountability and so for my accountability, I’m mine being killed a little bit each week over time. That’s what I’m mine. 


0:02:54 – Kayla

Drama party of one. Well, you’re not sore, I am sore, okay. You’re not hurting, I am okay, but I’m a little less dramatic about why I’m grumpy. Okay, well, tell Godzilla, because apparently, yes, he’s joined us again. 


0:03:10 – Brian

Yes, he’s here, he’s with me. 


0:03:12 – Kayla

Oh, my goodness. 


0:03:13 – Brian

He’s my face. 


0:03:14 – Kayla

Please stop hugging him. It’s just awkward. He’s lovable. 


0:03:22 – Brian

What is that now rallying for? Here we go. Oh my word, you jealous of that? 


0:03:30 – Kayla

well, you seem to be. No, he’s just a little crazy. 


0:03:34 – Brian

Okay, all right, I think he’s wonderful, mm-hmm my friend. Mm-hmm, so how are you supposed to deal with them? 


0:03:46 – Kayla

And we’re putting them in air quotes. So I think back to a quote that Bob Goff shared several years ago. That gutted me when I read it. Love difficult people. You are one. Mm-hmm, and I remember when I read that I thought, well, how do you think you are? But it’s true, at times all of us you have had. We are not going to share any of the details, but this prompted us to start a conversation with each other. You have had a couple of very specific Incidences lately when God has put some difficult people in your path and you’ve had to navigate very publicly around how to deal with that. So we thought that we would spend a few minutes talking about various types of difficult people that all of us encounter or are at some point. For example, how are we supposed to deal with someone who is rude? 


0:04:52 – Brian

Okay, my initial response to this is going to be the way Brian’s wired. My first response is going to be what did I do to make them rude? 


0:05:02 – Kayla



0:05:02 – Brian

What did I do to mess this up? Am I being an idiot? Am I being rude in response, or something like that? But I’ve got to step back and say you know what? I didn’t do anything. I just showed up here and target. 


0:05:18 – Kayla

It’s probably more reflective of what’s going on inside of them than anything that the other person has done and when you can reframe it, as I don’t know what they’re walking with today. Sometimes it can look like grace to say that was uncalled for, but Maybe they just got some bad news. 


0:05:42 – Brian

Maybe they if it’s a one-off, yeah, if it’s a one-off, I’m not gonna say anything. 


0:05:48 – Kayla

Absolutely. Now, if it’s a pattern, I’m gonna say something and yeah, cuz then it becomes toxic, right a bully. 


0:05:59 – Brian

I’ll normally just pull away. 


0:06:01 – Kayla



0:06:02 – Brian

I’m just not going to engage you, I’m just not going to say anything. 


0:06:07 – Kayla

Yeah, because engaging is fuel for a bully. When they don’t typically get the reaction they’re seeking, they’ll go find someone else. Yeah, and maybe that’s wrong of me, but I don’t have the mental now again, if someone is bullying someone that I care about, then I’m gonna step in and just call them out for it, but nine times out of ten if I feel bullied by someone, it’s because they’re lacking control in an area, and that’s how they feel that they’re seizing control. 


They’re trying, so I just have to take the fuel out of there. Yeah, oh, this one’s hard for me one who seems to love drama. Drama makes me insane. It just yeah. How do you deal with people like that? 


0:06:59 – Brian

I will listen and I will try to reframe something again. If it’s a pattern, I will probably listen and then move on to a different topic. That’s what I will do because everybody you know, there’s a lot of people who invite drama, a lot of people who like drama, and for some people that’s how they get attention. 


0:07:22 – Kayla

So I’ve also found with drama try to get to its sores and try to ask very specific questions like well, was this your perception of a situation or was this actually what happened? Is this actually what was said or done? 


0:07:38 – Brian

Nice or not. 


0:07:39 – Kayla

Or is this? And then, if it’s someone that they truly seem to thrive in that space, I kind of whisper to them you may need to talk to someone. 


0:07:50 – Brian

And You’re a lot nicer and I am no, not always. 


0:07:53 – Kayla

I think so, because you don’t know what’s going on inside this head. 


0:07:56 – Brian

Well, how do you deal with? 


0:07:59 – Kayla

these drive you up a wall. Constant complainers. 


0:08:04 – Brian

Yeah, I can’t stick her. I can’t. I have to have hope. 


0:08:08 – Kayla

Mm, hmm. 


0:08:10 – Brian

I’m wired for hope, I have to have hope. And if every time I talk to you oh, whoa is me? Oh, this is wrong, that’s I’m done, I’m out, I’ve got to have some hope. And if all that you ever see is the bad stuff, if all you ever come talk about is the bad stuff, let me just say this I will spiral into a serious depression. I’ve got to have people around me. 


0:08:40 – Kayla

Yeah, see the good. What is that saying? You steer where you stare. Yeah, it’s kind of the same with negative people. Yeah you’re constantly around. Negative, you become negative. And there’s one unifying thought with all of these it reveals the what the heart, the heart. 


0:08:56 – Brian

And people are stupid, oh well that took a turn. Well, I’m just saying some of this is some of this is people don’t think before they talk. Yeah, and I’m guilty of that every single day of my life. 


0:09:10 – Kayla

Ok, but a lot of these reveal character traits that stem back to there is something going on inside. This one is hard because I think we’ve all either been guilty of this or we’ve been involved in this. A transactional air quotes friend, someone who only seeks you out when they need something from you or you’re benefiting them in some way. 


0:09:36 – Brian

Yeah, I’ve lived this several times in my life, I find friendship to be very difficult, extremely difficult, and I think we’ve talked about this on the podcast before. If the only time I hear from you is when you need something, if the only time you reach out is like is when you’re going through a crisis. 


0:09:56 – Kayla



0:09:57 – Brian

To me that’s a transactional friend. 


0:09:59 – Kayla

Mm-hmm. Or if you only want me when I can help pay for something, yeah, help provide something for you or make your life more comfortable. 


0:10:09 – Brian



0:10:10 – Kayla

I’m not sure we’re really friends, correct, and that’s probably not gonna last long term and a lot of guys aren’t wired like me. 


0:10:19 – Brian

In other words, I like to chat, I like to talk, I like to share jokes. I like to do that. Some guys they don’t even want to talk to each other unless they’re sitting around a car they’re trying to fix or drinking beers or watching football. Yeah, you know I want to laugh. Cut up, be involved in your life. You’d be involved in mine. 


0:10:39 – Kayla

You’re an enneagram 2. Yeah, I want, yes 100%, you know so and that’s not a bad thing. So yeah, yeah, so. I think it just reminds all of us Be more of a giver than a taker in relationships, seeing less of what yourself is gaining and what you can be pouring out in that moment Someone who doesn’t share your faith. 


0:11:06 – Brian

I Don’t struggle with this as much, because I find them to be intriguing. I love talking to them, I love doing things for them because I feel like it’s an opportunity to show Jesus. That doesn’t bother me, I don’t. 


0:11:21 – Kayla

I’m not. You chose this one and I don’t struggle with this one. I just stay curious. 


0:11:27 – Brian

Love them, do a meal with them. Listen, you know people say well you know, if you Take them out to a meal, well then you’re you become like the five people you hang around. 


0:11:39 – Kayla

There’s truth in that, but also you can’t, just you’re not compromising your faith either. Yeah. 


0:11:46 – Brian

Look who Jesus hung around. Yes, so there’s that. How do you deal with people who live a lifestyle that you disagree with? Let me just say this every day I wake up, I wake up arrogant. I wake up selfish. I wake up cranky, I wake up just sinful. I Live a lifestyle by being arrogant, selfish, bent toward myself, bent away from God that you would disagree with. The this is the real issue is getting along with with people who sin differently Than we do. 


0:12:26 – Kayla

I think of the woman at the well, yeah, and I think of the moment when Jesus communicates to her I See you, and he doesn’t shy away Because of her sin. He know of all people, he knows her life, he knows the choices she’s made and yet he chooses to, in that exact moment, see her and he, he forgives her, a person. Now he does tell her go and live differently. But the first challenge in this is he didn’t just walk in there and blast her. 


0:13:07 – Brian

No, he loved her. 


0:13:08 – Kayla

It was he loved her first. He saw her as she was, and we’re never going to be able to. I’m trying to say this the right way. We are never going to be able to have influence with people who live different lifestyles If all we do is judge and hate. 


0:13:29 – Brian

And never let him into your life. 


0:13:31 – Kayla

We have to love and see people first. Amen and then perhaps God will open a door for them to hear something that draws them to him. 


0:13:40 – Brian

Preach. Here’s the final one. How do you deal with somebody who’s a control freak or abusive? 


0:13:47 – Kayla

You don’t. 


0:13:47 – Brian

You don’t. Let me just say that Full stop you don’t? 


0:13:51 – Kayla

There is a point where, regardless of what anyone else thinks of your choice, you have to do what is safest and best for you and perhaps those around you. 


0:14:03 – Brian

You are made in the image of God and you have value and you have worth, and so I would tell you to run as fast as you can get out of an abusive relationship. 


0:14:12 – Kayla

And get the help you need. Yes, because this one there is no, but I have to love them and I know if. If it’s a situation that is unsafe, you don’t see it, you, you get out of it. So, maybe some would disagree with that. You’re free to disagree, but nobody deserves to sit in that I agree. 


0:14:34 – Brian

So I’m going to say this go with God, love who you can. Yeah, Be the best you can be and don’t put up with people’s crap. 


0:14:43 – Kayla

And the hard truth. You have to coexist with difficult people. 


0:14:48 – Brian



0:14:49 – Kayla

Because, again, sometimes I am one. 


0:14:51 – Brian



0:14:52 – Kayla

But how can you cut through the? We all have it, that moment where you just tense up when that person comes around. How can you choose to see them differently If you’re willing to? 


0:15:05 – Brian



0:15:08 – Kayla

Oh, this is going to be fun. 


0:15:10 – Brian



0:15:11 – Kayla

Today we’re going to play a little game called getting to know you. 


0:15:14 – Brian

Oh, I thought we were playing Yahtzee. 


0:15:16 – Kayla

Well, that would be interesting on a podcast, but okay. 


0:15:18 – Brian

When’s the last time we played Yahtzee? 


0:15:20 – Kayla

I don’t know, years ago. Okay, we have it at home, I think we have a Yahtzee game. 


0:15:26 – Brian

We do. 


0:15:27 – Kayla

Anyway, conversation starters here you go. These are some fun topics that you can bring up at your next dinner with friends or at family dinner night. What are three foods you refuse to eat? 


0:15:41 – Brian

Sushi oh beets. 


0:15:43 – Kayla



0:15:45 – Brian

And probably. 


0:15:48 – Kayla

I can’t believe it’s this hard for you. Sushi Beats and probably Brussels sprouts see my first one quickly is Brussels sprouts. Greens can’t handle. 


0:16:02 – Brian

Yeah, I turn up greens, not a fan. 


0:16:05 – Kayla

And yeah, so she’s not happy fish should be fried. I am. 


0:16:11 – Brian

I am from Louisiana. You need to batter that baby up, put it in some grease. Do not eat that mess raw. Okay, what would you say is one toxic or quirky habit you have? 


0:16:22 – Kayla

So this is a quirky one for me. Some would consider it toxic. I have hidden chocolate in multiple spots, everywhere. 


0:16:32 – Brian

And I’m okay with that toxic or quirk and when I answer this, that it could be toxic for me that I solve my stress with food and apparently, I do with chocolate so, and it used to be fried chicken, so I used to go get fried chicken a lot, so that was my thing. I miss it too. We were great friends. 


0:16:56 – Kayla

What is one thing that’s hard for you to comprehend? 


0:16:59 – Brian

The Trinity? I don’t understand. 


0:17:03 – Kayla

How they, how God is three and one. 


0:17:05 – Brian

Yeah, people give these examples, but every example falls short. 


0:17:09 – Kayla



0:17:10 – Brian

I’d like to understand that. And then in this passage you get this glimpse, and that passage you get that glimpse. So I believe in it. 


0:17:18 – Kayla

Wow, yours is so deep, mine is just people who say they hate to read. I struggle to understand. 


0:17:26 – Brian

Well, they’re not Christians. Oh, that’s a joke. Don’t write the podcast. 


0:17:31 – Kayla

Go ahead, so next one. 


0:17:33 – Brian

What was your favorite childhood toy? It had to be something Star Wars. It would have to be something Star Wars not your Batman mobile oh. I love. 


0:17:43 – Kayla

okay, I also had? 


0:17:45 – Brian

I am shocked. I had a bat cave, a bat mobile, uh-huh. I had the figures Batman Robin, Joker, Riddler and then also Ping. 


0:17:56 – Kayla

I have to say I think that was your favorite childhood back and they’re actually for sale on eBay. 


0:18:02 – Brian

What I had, oh my, I’d love to have it to display in the podcast studio, but I’m not gonna pay $300. 


0:18:10 – Kayla

Oh, okay. So you mine was a toss-up. I had a panda bear. Here we go. 


0:18:16 – Brian

I know it’s gonna be Pandy and I love it is dead. 


0:18:20 – Kayla

Stop it. I loved Pandy. See, even Godzilla fell over on that. Okay, he gets me. Okay, I might be back to being friends with Godzilla, thank you. Thank you for having my back. 


I’m gonna post a picture Godzilla and then I also had this may sound really creepy, but I had this doll that you could cut her hair and then you could turn this crank and it would grow new hair that then you could style and cut. It was weird now that I think back, but it was really cool wouldn’t run out of hair after, I guess so eventually. But yeah, I think they were hoping against hope that you wouldn’t continually cut her hair. 


0:18:57 – Brian

But we’ll go buy a new doll. I guess so. But wow, I think I remember those commercials. 


0:19:02 – Kayla

Yeah, it was fun. 


0:19:05 – Brian

My G I gel didn’t do that Just yeah, good to know. What is one thing you feel society would be better without? 


0:19:12 – Kayla

Social media platforms. I’m just gonna say it. 


0:19:16 – Brian

I’m gonna say, politicians, I wish we had a king. 


0:19:19 – Kayla



0:19:20 – Brian

A lot less argument, a lot less fussing and that kind of stuff. I’m a royalist. Bring on the king. 


0:19:28 – Kayla

Mark it down, gracious sakes. 


0:19:32 – Brian

So there’s, that. 


0:19:33 – Kayla

If you could adopt one new hobby or interest, what would it be? 


0:19:37 – Brian

Napping, buffet surfing. 


0:19:44 – Kayla

Stop. In all seriousness. 


0:19:47 – Brian



0:19:47 – Kayla

Napping for real. 


0:19:48 – Brian

Yes, I’d be down for napping. 


0:19:52 – Kayla

I would love to try my hand at painting Just for fun, I have no interest, I could care less. We would be terrible, but I would love to. I did this paint class one time with a friend and I really enjoyed it and it surprised me because I was terrified when we went in. But I think I would love to try my hand at it. 


0:20:11 – Brian

I’ve toyed with like photography. 


0:20:14 – Kayla

I could see you doing that. You’re really good this is my struggle except taking pictures of me, because you think every picture of me is great. It is, and I’m like really. 


0:20:23 – Brian

Let me say this Like to be a photographer. You got to go to these places, walk these miles, take a picture. I’m not going to spend two hours getting somewhere to spend two minutes to take a picture, Because that’s going to interrupt your new nap routine. Whoa, I see how this day is going to be. All right, well. 


0:20:42 – Kayla

So there we go. Those are some conversation starters. 


0:20:45 – Brian



0:20:45 – Kayla

Apparently we just got it and some conversation enders too. I’m just saying. 


0:20:50 – Brian

I’m all righty. Hey, god save, the king, god save. Thanks for listening to this week’s podcast it’s. We are honored and we are privileged that you’re part of the peas and carrots family, and we had a winner yesterday. Each week, we give away a few of our peas and carrots coffee mugs. 


0:21:07 – Kayla

We do. There is a free mug and a pack of stickers. 


0:21:11 – Brian

Miss Kayla loves the stickers. 


0:21:12 – Kayla

Y’all the stickers are so cute. They really are. When you go to our website, look for the trivia button. Click that button at again This week’s question. 


0:21:25 – Brian

What was your favorite childhood toy? What was your favorite childhood toy? Yes, okay, so search the peas and carrots podcast at


0:21:36 – Kayla

Click that trivia button, answer that question. You’ll get an adorable mug and some very cute stickers. 


0:21:42 – Brian

Hey, and if you’re new to the podcast, you can get caught up on all the episodes. You just search peas and carrots podcast wherever you get your podcasts, or visit our website And when you do, please don’t forget to subscribe. Also, Hey, come and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. 


0:21:58 – Kayla

Just search for the Peas and Carrots Podcast. 


0:22:00 – Brian

Da na na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, Batman.


0:22:03 – Announcer

For more about the Peas and Carrots Podcast and to reach out to Brian and Kayla, visit Growing through the challenges we face and finding hope along the way. That’s the Jesus Fix It Podcast with Jess. Check out or search Jesus Fix It wherever you listen to podcasts.